Portfolio item number 1
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Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in Unpublished, University of Leipzig, Germany, 2019
Recommended citation: Wölke, F.J.R. (2019). Determinants of Microbial Respiration and Biomass across Global Drylands (unpublished bachelorthesis). University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
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Published in Unpublished, University of Leipzig, Germany, 2022
Recommended citation: Wölke, F.J.R. (2022).Fruit size evolution is shaped by divergent selective regimes related to disperser availability and habitat type in palms (Arecaceae) (unpublished masterthesis). University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
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Published in New Phytologist, 2023
Recommended citation: Wölke, F.J.R., Cabral, A., Lim, J.Y., Kissling, W.D. and Onstein, R.E. (2023), Africa as an evolutionary arena for large fruits. New Phytol.
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Published in Kew Report, 2023
Recommended citation: Antonelli*, A., Fry*, C., Smith*, R.J., Eden*, J., Govaerts*, R.H.A., Kersey*, P., Nic Lughadha*, E., Onstein*, R.E., Simmonds*, M.S.J., Zizka*, A., Ackerman, J.D., Adams, V.M., Ainsworth, A.M., Albouy, C., Allen, A.P., Allen, S.P., Allio, R., Auld. T.D., Bachman, S.P., Baker, W.J., Barrett, R.L., Beaulieu, J.M., Bellot, S., Black, N., Boehnisch, G., Bogarín, D., Boyko, J.D., Brown, M.J.M., Budden, A., Bureš, P., Butt, N., Cabral, A., Cai, L., Cano, J.A., Chang, Y., Charitonidou, M., Chau, J.H., Cheek, M., Chomicki, G., Coiro, M., Colli-Silva, M., Condamine, F.L., Crayn, D.M., Cribb, P., Cuervo-Robayo, A.P., Dahlberg, A., Deklerck, V., Denelle, P., Dhanjal-Adams, K.L., Druzhinina, I., Eiserhardt, W.L., Elliott, T.L., Enquist, B.J., Escudero, M., Espinosa-Ruiz, S., Fay, M.F., Fernández, M., Flanagan, N.S., Forest, F., Fowler, R.M., Freiberg, M., Gallagher, R.V., Gaya, E., Gehrke, B., Gelwick, K., Grace, O.M., Granados Mendoza, C., Grenié, M., Groom, Q.J., Hackel, J., Hagen, E.R., Hágsater, E., Halley, J.M., Hu, A.-Q., Jaramillo, C., Kattge, J., Keith, D.A., Kirk, P., Kissling, W.D., Knapp, S., Kreft, H., Kuhnhäuser, B.G., Larridon, I., Leão, T.C.C., Leitch, I.J., Liimatainen, K., Lim, J.Y., Lucas, E., Lücking, R., Luján, M., Luo, A., Magallón, S., Maitner, B., Márquez-Corro, J.I., Martín-Bravo, S., Martins-Cunha, K., Mashau, A.C., Mauad, A.V., Maurin, O., Medina Lemos, R., Merow, C., Michelangeli, F.A., Mifsud, J.C.O., Mikryukov, V., Moat, J., Monro, A.K., Muasya, A.M., Mueller, G.M., Muellner-Riehl, A.N., Nargar, K., Negrão, R., Nicolson, N., Niskanen, T., Oliveira Andrino, C., Olmstead, R.G., Ondo, I., Oses, L., Parra-Sánchez, E., Paton, A.J., Pellicer, J., Pellissier, L., Pennington, T.D., Pérez-Escobar, O.A., Phillips, C., Pironon, S., Possingham, H., Prance, G., Przelomska, N.A.S., Ramírez-Barahona, S.A., Renner, S.S., Rincon, M., Rivers, M.C., Rojas Andrés, B.M., RomeroSoler, K.J., Roque, N., Rzedowski, J., Sanmartín, I., Santamaría-Aguilar, D., Schellenberger Costa, D., Serpell, E., Seyfullah, L.J., Shah, T., Shen, X., Silvestro, D., Simpson, D.A., Šmarda, P., Šmerda, J., Smidt, E., Smith, S.A., Solano-Gomez, R., Sothers, C., Soto Gomez, M., Spalink, D., Sperotto, P., Sun, M., Suz, L.M., Svenning, J.-C., Taylor, A., Tedersoo, L., Tietje, M., Trekels, M., Tremblay, R.L., Turner, R., Vasconcelos, T., Veselý, P., Villanueva, B.S., Villaverde, T., Vorontsova, M.S., Walker, B.E., Wang, Z., Watson, M., Weigelt, P., Wenk, E.H., Westrip, J.R.S., Wilkinson, T., Willett, S.D., Wilson, K.L., Winter, M., Wirth, C., Wölke, F.J.R., Wright, I.J., Zedek, F., Zhigila, D.A., Zimmermann, N.E., Zuluaga, A., Zuntini, A.R. (2023). State of the Worlds Plants and Fungi 2023. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34885/wnwn-6s63
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yearly recurrent Practicals, 1-day Excursions, 3-day Excursions, Leipzig University, 2018
Master students course Macroecology and Macroevolution under global change, iDiv, 2022
Summer School, iDiv, 2022
Course for Master students, CZU, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, 2023