Fruit size evolution is shaped by divergent selective regimes related to disperser availability and habitat type in palms (Arecaceae)

Published in Unpublished, University of Leipzig, Germany, 2022

Personal note: Based on this thesis (‘Fruit size evolution is shaped by divergent selective regimes related to disperser availability and habitat type in palms (Arecaceae)’), we managed to pull out a publication in New Phytologist (see Wölke et al., 2023). Unfortunately, the publication does not cover all aspects of my thesis. One of the most intereseting parts not covered in the publication is the assessment of open vs. closed vegetation structures in driving fruits size evolution in Africa.

Recommended citation: Wölke, F.J.R. (2022).Fruit size evolution is shaped by divergent selective regimes related to disperser availability and habitat type in palms (Arecaceae) (unpublished masterthesis). University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
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